Our Mission

Igloo Foam’s mission is to enhance the quality of living environments and boost energy efficiency for our valued customers. We achieve this by offering cutting-edge Spray Foam Insulation solutions at highly competitive prices, all while championing a more sustainable and eco-friendly future for generations to come.

Quality Assurance

All Igloo products are third-party evaluated and every single batch we sell is tested before release. In addition, we keep retains of each batch sold in the event that there’s ever an issue so that we can make it right.

Heat and Cool with the least amount of resources

Choose Igloo Foam for your insulation needs, and you'll not only enjoy a highly efficient building envelope that minimizes the consumption of natural resources but also make a substantial impact on reducing your home's carbon footprint, by 40% or more.

Consider this: home heating and cooling alone contribute approximately 441 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually, as reported by the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. Furthermore, the U.S. residential sector accounts for a significant 21% of total energy consumption, leading to 20% of our country's carbon emissions, as per the Energy Information Administration.

The consequences of a warming climate, according to the IPCC, are dire and far-reaching, encompassing adverse impacts on human systems and ecosystems alike, such as diminished water availability and food production, heightened frequency and intensity of infectious diseases, increased frequency and magnitude of storm damages, and substantial harm to crucial economic sectors, to name just a few.

chart showing ecological impact of climate warming
IPCC AR 6, Figure 2.3, Panel ©

By choosing Igloo Foam, you're not only optimizing your home's energy efficiency but also playing a vital role in mitigating these global challenges.

Map with markers

Every authorized Igloo Foam Spray Foam Insulation contractor we refer to you will be passionate about helping you save as much money as possible based on your specific needs. They are fully qualified to answer any questions that come up.

Contact Us

Have questions? Give us a call at 1-855-362-6863.

About Us

Igloo Foam brand products produce cleaner, healthier living environments by reducing airborne allergens as well as virtually eliminating mold and mildew within our homes. Read more about us.

Our Contact Info

PO Box 1182
New Canaan, CT 06840
