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Our Mission

Igloo Foam’s mission is to enhance the quality of living environments and boost energy efficiency for our valued customers. We achieve this by offering cutting-edge Spray Foam Insulation solutions at highly competitive prices, all while championing a more sustainable and eco-friendly future for generations to come.

Quality Assurance

All Igloo products are third-party evaluated and every single batch we sell is tested before release. In addition, we keep retains of each batch sold in the event that there’s ever an issue so that we can make it right.

It's like gluing Your Home together

Elevating your home’s structural integrity and ensuring its long-lasting durability should be a paramount consideration when building a home. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) underscores the transformative power of spray foam insulation, which, when you opt for Igloo Foam, can often add an impressive 75% to 200% structural strength to your beloved home.

What sets Igloo Foam products apart is its remarkable combination of high compressive and tensile strength which bolsters your home’s ability to withstand external forces. Think of it as the glue that holds your entire home together, creating an impermeable barrier that fortifies your house like never before.

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Every authorized Igloo Foam Spray Foam Insulation contractor we refer to you will be passionate about helping you save as much money as possible based on your specific needs. They are fully qualified to answer any questions that come up.

Contact Us

Have questions? Give us a call at 1-855-362-6863.

About Us

Igloo Foam brand products produce cleaner, healthier living environments by reducing airborne allergens as well as virtually eliminating mold and mildew within our homes. Read more about us.

Our Contact Info

PO Box 1182
New Canaan, CT 06840
